Hello people, Welcome to Detrix.io Design Blog, Today I would be taking you thought the design process of our Landing Page. So let’s get started.
All of this started back in July and brainstorming on the product was going on. and I begun to work on the landing page for Detrix.
Design Fact: Design Fact, We went with 12 iterations and 4 Different Ideas for the landing page.
Initial idea was to build an experience where, on user scroll there will be animation of the logo.
The colours we went were taken from the sunset view.
Have a look at the video 👇🏻
But you will notice that our logo is having Violet colours than why going with orange shades ?
Our thoughts were that we want to do something different from what other Web3 startups were doing.
Also ( what i believe ) the violet colour shades gives New World kind feel.
Next, Another Concept, This time Violet Shades
This time we changed the colour to our logo colours and introduced the product pages through 3D cubes, check it out 👇🏻
How is it ?
Let me know & let’s have a virtual date
✉️ mail at rahuldesigns@detrix.io
The idea of using 3D cubes for demonstration product is good, but it was not making me feel like complete. so next day, i sat down straight for 4 hours and learned how to design a 3D face character, that was really great learning experience,
Have a look at the result 👇🏻
and here is the video of my 3D designed models
Overall as of User perspective this way of transition was really amazing for people to experience. but for devs and for the people who are looking for direct content, it is not a good way to present.
so not discarding everything that we did, we saved all the work and for the initial phase, we went with the standard way ( Added ) one cool stuff that all the team members liked ( Wave structure in the hero section )
here is the resulting design of the landing page. we finally went and deployed.
That’s it people, this the story of how landing page of Detrix was made to the release, keeping this as the first stage, there will consistent small changes done on front and backend of the page. as 1% every day will make big at the end.
I like that you stayed with me till the end of this blog, if you wanted to connect with me, write to me rahuldesigns@detrix.io and i will defiantly love to have a chat with you.
Thank you 🙂